Agriocnemis pinheyi Balinsky, 1963
Pinhey’s Wisp
Type locality: Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, South Africa
Male is similar to A. falcifera by (a) hindlobe of prothorax incised at two sides, separating fan-like middle section; (b) apex S10 hardly raised; (c) cerci with sharp triangular ventral process directed somewhat into S10; (d) paraprocts almost as long as cerci, tapering to pointed apex in lateral view, but in caudal view ending broadly, visible as black ridge that is wider than high. However, differs by (1) ranging from S Tanzania to E South Africa; (2) labrum glossy black with pale border, rather than all black with purple sheen; (3) Pt in all wings similar, rather than being darker in Hw than in Fw; (4) cerci relatively robust, rather than slender. [Adapted from Dijkstra & Clausnitzer 2014]
Habitat description
Standing waters in open landscapes. Usually with emergent and often aquatic vegetation, and probably boggy. From 600 to 2100 m above sea level, but mostly between 1000 and 1800.
Appendages (lateral view) |
Head (dorsal view) |
Map citation: Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika & F. Suhling, 2012. Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 129-134.
Barcode specimen(s):
- Balinsky, B. I. (1963). A contribution towards the systematics of dragonflies of southern Africa (Odonata). Journal Entomological Society Southern Africa, 26, 228-255. [PDF file]
- Pinhey, E.C.G. (1974). A revision of the African Agriocnemis Selys and Mortonagrion Fraser (Odonata Coenagrionidae). Occasional Papers National Museums Rhodesia B Natural Science, 5, 171-278. [PDF file]
- Pinhey, E.C.G. (1967). Odonata Zygoptera. Exploration Hydrobiologique Bassin Lac Bangweolo Luapula, 14, 1-43. [PDF file]
Citation: Dijkstra, K.-D.B (editor). African Dragonflies and Damselflies Online. [2024-09-15].